How to connect simpleRTK2B series receiver to a NTRIP correction service via PC
We have shown some figures about the performance of the u-blox ZED-F9P in base-rover configuration, where the base sends corrections to improve the accuracy of
Building a high precision navigation gadget with simpleRTK2B
In previous updates we have given some figures about the accuracy of the simpleRTK2B board with u-blox ZED-F9P module. We like to spend hours looking
Product update simpleRTK2B: pre-production prototype is real
We are very excited today, and we wanted to share it with you. We finished yesterday the assembly of the first pre-production sample of simpleRTK2B,
Testing simpleRTK2B accuracy in RTK base-rover configuration
We have received many questions about the real accuracy of the simpleRTK2B board with the ZED-F9P module and we will write a series of posts
How to connect simpleRTK2B RTK receiver to STM32 Nucleo
In this tutorial you will see how to connect the simpleRTK2B series receiver with a STM32 Nucleo L152RE board for a debug session. If your
simpleRTK2B connection to smartphone via Bluetooth
The simpleRTK2B shield is compatible with all the GNSS applications available for Android/iOS that support USB or Bluetooth connections with an external GNSS unit. You
Kickstarter campaign starts
We decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to launch a big production batch of simpleRTK2B shields to offer you the best price.
Product update simpleRTK2B: first ZED-F9P application board + future specs
The wait has been long but we finally have them in our lab … … give a warm welcome to the first application board using
Product update simpleRTK2B: Test units received
The first boards have arrived and we have started the field tests. You may have noticed some wires flying around the GPS module in the
Tech update: But… what is RTK GNSS?
Global Navigation Systems (GNSS) for civil use, like GPS, GLONASS, Galileo or BeiDou, can reach under excellent conditions an absolute accuracy of around 1-3 meters,
Product update simpleRTK2B: PCB cooking
Design finished for our first product simpleRTK2B. Also sent to manufacture and now waiting for the first samples to test!
Product update simpleRTK2B: introducing the first easy to use, low cost dual band GNSS receiver
We wanted to introduce you our first creation: simpleRTK2B simpleRTK2B = simple + Real Time Kinematics + Dual Band Keep reading us to understand what